Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Created: 10th May 2024

Whilst Fendi Critical Services continues to expand its horizons; we recognise that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming increasingly important worldwide.

In our conduct

We aim to adopt the highest professional standards and not to act in such a way as to compromise our company’s integrity.

We actively promote respect between our staff members in their dealings with each other, clients, and third parties.

In our working environment

We recognise that our team is our most important asset. We actively seek to offer our team a positive and healthy working environment and ensure that they have rewarding careers and job satisfaction.

All our policies are published internally initially through soft copies, but in future electronically, which sets out the expectations of all members of staff

We seek to ensure that all staff have access to the training they need both for their own development and to enable them to deliver a high-quality service.

We consider all our team to be equal and we aim to create a working environment that is free of unlawful discrimination. In this regard, we maintain an Equality and Diversity Policy.

In our community

In considering our impact on the community, we support local charities and community initiatives

We will allow members of staff time off work to enable them to carry out work in support of their chosen charity or community initiative and to encourage dialogue with local communities and groups for mutual benefit

With our clients

We are committed to delivering a high level of service to all our clients as we understand that our business exists in a very competitive market and our clients deserve a professional and courteous service

With our suppliers

We are committed to eliminating discrimination and to promoting equality and diversity in our professional dealings with suppliers and other third parties

We endeavour to enter into clear and fair contracts with our suppliers and are committed to the timely settlement of suppliers’ invoices.

In the environment

We are committed to our Carbon Reduction Plan, behaving responsibly and minimising our impact on the environment.

This statement will be reviewed and updated every year.